Torqit Module Map to suits Holden Colorado 7 2.8L 2013-2016 Models



Access the full potential of your Colorado 7 with Torqit’s fast, powerful ECU programming solution – ModuleMap. Remotely tuned by Torqit’s software technicians, ModuleMap safely calibrates and optimises your vehicle’s factory settings from the comfort of your driveway.


🎯Injection Quantity
🎯Rail Pressure
🎯Air Fuel Ratio
🎯Turbo Boost Pressure
🎯Injection Timing
🎯Torque Targets
🎯Exhaust Gas Temperatures
🎯Safety Parameters


⭐️Vehicle-specific software customised to your modifications
⭐️Choose between two performance tunes- Cruise and Sport
⭐️Return your vehicle to stock performance at any time with a third Standard tune
⭐️Simple installation, remotely tuned by Torqit’s software technicians
⭐️No cutting or rewiring required
⭐️Access on-demand tech support via the ModuleMap Portal

⚠️Note: If a dealership updates your vehicle’s ECU, this may cause your ModuleMap file to no longer work on the vehicle. You can advise the dealership not to perform a software update to your ECU, or simply reinstall the tune after the service.⚠️

Power figures may differ according to vehicle.


Added Tyre Added Wheel Added Package Added Accessories